Monday, January 9, 2012

Scholarship Information from the Society of Women Engineers

Good Afternoon,

The Southeast Florida Section of the Society of Women Engineers has a scholarship program to honor high school females who have shown commendable ability in areas such as leadership, academics, and community activities.

SWE Southeast Florida will annually award $500 and SWE Collegiate Membership to one outstanding high school senior female student who intends to pursue a college degree in engineering.

The scholarship application must be filled out by the student (and signed by a counselor) and postmarked April 30th, 2012. SWE, at a national level, also has scholarships for outstanding high school female students.

This application form can be found on the National SWE website:

Please help us in recognizing outstanding young women by distributing scholarship forms and filling out the award nominations. Please take the time to learn about our SWE Southeast Section and our outreach activities by visiting our website at:

Sincerely, Marisa Lopez
SWE Southeast Florida Scholarship Chair FY12