Friday, January 27, 2012

Murphy's Law: Technical Drawing for Mousetrap Vehicle

EDITOR'S NOTE: For a change, the comments are being left ON. I welcome and would appreciate your thoughts -- this technical drawing has not been scored yet, so it will be interesting for your feedback to compare & contrast with the judges. Just keep it constructive, if you'll pardon the pun! :D

Murphy's Law mousetrap powered vehicle
Murphy's Law MTV, top and front views
Murphy's Law MTV, side view

Compare this year's to last year's MTV technical drawing at

1 comment:

    I. RESEMBLANCE (1-15 points) The mousetrap car drawing accurately illustrates the actual mousetrap car designed and built by the team. ___12__

    II. SCALE (1-15 points) The proportions in the drawing correctly relate to and represent the team's actual mousetrap car. ___10____

    III. NAMING/LABELING (1-10 points) The names and labels of all of the parts in the drawing of the mousetrap car are correct. ___6____

    IV. APPEARANCE/NEATNESS (1-10 points) The visual presentation of the mousetrap car drawing is neat and of high quality. ___6____

    TOTAL (The highest possible score is 50.) ____34___
