Monday, September 20, 2010

Summer Changes Everything!

Attend the National Summer Learning Association’s Conference, November 9-10 in Indianapolis.

Summer Changes EverythingTM, the only national conference focused entirely on summer, will be held at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown, November 9-10. If you work with children, operate or make decisions about summer programs, or are involved in youth education, you can’t afford to miss this conference. With 60 workshops on topics from STEM learning to social media outreach, we’re presenting the latest information regarding youth and summer learning.

This year, we are thrilled to welcome an exciting lineup of guest speakers, exhibitors, and panelists, including neurologist, author, researcher, and middle-school teacher Dr. Judy Willis. Tarik Glenn, retired Indianapolis Colt and co-founder of D.R.E.A.M Alive, Inc., will share how his experiences both on and off the field have helped him to build and maintain a successful youth program. Other presenters include social media guru Beth Kanter, policy experts, and NSLA staffers. Don’t miss out on what promises to be the best summer learning conference yet!

Learn how to build, strengthen, and expand summer programs at the Summer Changes EverythingTM conference:
- Connect and network with colleagues, including summer program providers, educators, school administrators, researchers and policymakers.
- Choose the option of participating in one of two relevant, in-depth pre-conference institutes on November 8, on program planning or summer learning advocacy.
- Choose from 60 workshops in three exciting areas: Knowledge and Strategies for Summer Program Managers; Policy and Funding for Systems Building; and Innovative Instructional Approaches.

Learn more and register now at our conference homepage. Or, contact our Conference Manager, Ryan Rebarchick, via e-mail nationalconference[at]summerlearning[dot]org or phone: 410 856 1370 ext 203.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Seminole SECME,
    I just found and began following your blog, and since you advocate for STEM learning, I wanted to make sure you knew about us, the National Summer Learning Association. We are currently devoting a lot of our resources and attention to improving STEM learning opportunities throughout the nation.

    I’m sending you some information about our upcoming summer learning conference, where STEM learning will feature prominently. At Summer Changes EverythingTM, NASA’s Summer of Innovation will have a big presence, and Leland Melvin will be keynoting a luncheon session on STEM learning and summer.

    I wonder if, in addition to coming to the conference yourself (!), you’d be willing to mention it in/on your blog, or let your affiliates and supporters know about it.

    If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me, or contact conference manager Ryan Rebarchick at 410 856 1370 ext 203. We’d love to see Seminole SECME represented in Indy!

    Liz Knauer
    Marketing Assistant
