Friday, September 24, 2010

Monty Python and the Bridge of Death!

Bridge/Truss design seminar on Saturday, September 25th from 9 AM to 1 PM, at Palm Springs Middle School. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from the seminar, ere the other side he see.

Coordinators are responsible for bringing all necessary materials and supplies to the workshop. Here is a list of items needed to construct the mini-bridge/trusses. Four different mini trusses will be constructed.
- ¼ by ¼ Balsawood (several pieces)
- Insta-Cure glue or Wood glue
- Paint brushes
- Wood cutter or hand saw (Miter Box recommended)
- Balsa cutters
- Sand paper
- Rulers and meter stick
- Wax paper

Directions to Palm Springs Middle School, 1560 Kirk Rd., West Palm Beach, FL: I-95 to Forest Hill Blvd. West to Kirk Rd. School on NE corner.

Field trip permission slips are required for participation. Please have your parent/legal guardian's approval before attending.

BONUS: Build a Bridge Out of Her! (ED. NOTE: I always think about this scene at the beginning of the school year when I teach about the scientific method...)