Saturday, December 4, 2010

Gulliver Vex South Florida Championship

Click here for directions to Gulliver Prep School

Dear Gulliver Competition participants,

I hope that you all are just as excited as I am about the upcoming competition this Sunday. We have 30 robots from 10 schools competing in our qualifier with 6 robots making it to Nationals. There is a list of the robots registered below.

206 McArthur H.S.
206B McArthur H.S.
206X McArthur H.S.
619A MAST Academy
619B MAST Academy
880B Belen Jesuit Prep
1263 Donna Klein Jewish Academy
1614 Seminole Ridge Community High School
1614B Seminole Ridge Community High School

3575A Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart
3575B Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart
3575C Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart
3575D Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart
3575E Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart
3575F Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart
3575G Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart
4321A Christopher Columbus High School
4321B Christopher Columbus High School
4321D Christopher Columbus High School
4321F Christopher Columbus High School
4321G Christopher Columbus High School
4330M Ransom Everglades Middle School
4330N Ransom Everglades Middle School
4330P Ransom Everglades Middle School
5786A Gulliver Preparatory
5786B Gulliver Preparatory
5786C Gulliver Preparatory
5786D Gulliver Preparatory
5786E Gulliver Preparatory
7411A Miami Northwestern Senior High School

Thank you for all of your help and I look forward to an exciting (and exhausting) day. I have also attached the schedule for Sunday's competition.

7:00 AM - Open Doors to Volunteers / morning setup
7:15 AM - Open doors to teams / begin check-in / registration / Robot Inspection for
teams that did not have robots inspected 12/4
7:30 AM - Open the “Practice Matches” for teams that are ready
8:00 AM - Make calls to teams NOT YET IN HOUSE to verify travel status.
Verify Match List information and re - distribute schedules if needed
8:30 AM - Close Out the check-in / registration process with all teams in house.
8:45 AM - Drivers Meeting - review rules, etc,
9:00 AM - Opening Ceremonies
9:15 AM - Commence Qualification Rounds
12:00 PM - Take a “Field Break” for LUNCH ( this time may vary )
12:30 PM - Restart Field Operations for Programming and Skills Challenges ( this
time may vary )
1:30 PM - Complete Programming and Robot Skills Challenges / Commence last
Qualification rounds (if not done earlier)
2:30 PM - Complete last Qualification Round (if not done earlier) AND….
Commence Alliance Selections
3:00 PM - Commence Elimination Rounds
4:30 PM - Complete Elimination Rounds
4:45 PM - Commence Awards Ceremony
5:00 PM - Complete Closing Ceremonies (Safe travel home to ALL)

Mike Gambrell