Join the Big Red Bus and the little mousetrap cars as National Honor Society and SECME students host Florida’s Blood Centers for an on-campus blood drive 7:30-2:30 Tuesday, March 23. The drive’s theme draws attention to the urgency for donors: every two seconds, someone in America needs blood.
And for every pint of blood donated, SECME will run a ‘mousetrap vehicle’—racers built by students and powered solely by the energy release of a mousetrap spring. In the district’s annual engineering Olympiad, students compete to see whose mousetrap vehicle goes the farthest.
The process for whole blood donation usually takes about one hour; the blood collection itself is usually about 10 minutes. All donations are processed and available for use within 48 hours, but blood can only be stored for 42 days, and blood platelets expire after five days! So the blood bank has a constant demand for donors.
For additional information about donating blood, contact NHS sponsor Mrs. Shawna Ahmad: ahmadsh[at]palmbeach[dot]k12[dot]fl[dot]us